Folders / Compacting Folders

MAGIQ Documents retains multiple versions of documents. Over time, you may end up with too many revisions of documents. The compact function allows you to get rid of previous versions of documents within a folder or library.

This feature should be used with caution. Deleted versions cannot be restored.

To Compact your folder:

  1. Click on the Action icon to display the menu for the folder you wish to compact
  2. Choose "Properties" from the menu that appears.
  3. Click on the "Compact" link from the side menu located on the left.
  4. The "Compact" window will appear.
  5. Specify the number of published versions you wish to retain. {n}
  6. Specify the number of unpublished versions you wish to retain. {n}
  7. Select "Include Subfolders" if you want this operation to apply to subfolders as well.
  8. Click on "OK".

MAGIQ Documents will examine each document in the path and only keep the latest {n} versions and delete the rest. When the "Compact" operation is complete, each document in the folder (and subfolders if selected) will have been processed according to your selections. However, there are many exclusions.


  1. Documents that have never been published
  2. Unpublished versions created after the currently published version
  3. Approved versions
  4. Checked out documents
  5. Documents in workflow


A document has 6 versions. (6,5,4,3,2,1)

You "Compact" the folder and specify 2 versions as the number of versions you wish to retain.

After the "Compact" operation is complete, the latest 2 versions will be kept and the rest will be deleted.

  • Version 6
  • Version 5
  • Version 4 (Deleted)
  • Version 3 (Deleted)
  • Version 2 (Deleted)
  • Version 1 (Deleted)

The compact function is permanent and cannot be reversed. You will not be able to restore (through the recycle bin) previous versions removed through compacting.

It is a good idea to compact your folders every now and then to reclaim some disk space. Completed projects and submitted proposals are good candidates for the "Compact" feature.