Documents / E-mail Documents

Emails are read-only documents so they cannot be checked out or edited.

Once they are registered into MAGIQ Documents, they are automatically assigned a built-in system custom property called "E-mail" so they can be searched for and found easily.

All information about an e-mail is indexed. E-mail attachments, the body text of an e-mail and the subject lines can be searched inside MAGIQ Documents.

How to create e-mail documents:

E-mail documents can get into MAGIQ Documents in three ways:

  • MS Outlook Integration
  • MAGIQ Documents E-mail Scanner
  • E-mail document upload through the web services API.

Using the MS Outlook integration, e-mails can be sent directly into MAGIQ Documents. The MS Outlook e-mail format (.MSG) is converted into the industry standard .EML format and published into MAGIQ Documents.

The MAGIQ Documents E-mail Scanner product is a stand-alone product that can be configured to check POP3 e-mail accounts and publish incoming e-mails directly into MAGIQ Documents.

If you have an in-house e-mail system from which you wish to import emails, you may do so by using our web services API to publish third party e-mails into MAGIQ Documents.

Useful documents for users:

MS Office Outlook Add-in User's Guide

Useful documents for Administators:

MAGIQ Documents MS Office Implementation Guide

MAGIQ Documents MS Office Implementation via Group Policy Guide