Libraries / Library Scenarios

Typical Corporate Library Layout:

A typical corporate environment may have the following departments.

  • Accounting
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Information Services
  • Customer Service
  • Help Desk & Support

All of which are good candidates for Libraries.

Why have multiple Libraries?

Each department is likely to have their own policies, procedures and security levels defined for their day-to-day operations. Only for this purpose alone, it makes sense to have a separate library for each functional department or area in your organization. Each library would have their members who can freely navigate and perform functions dictated by their assigned privileges. Such libraries are not visible to non-members.

Remember that an MAGIQ Documents user may be a member of multiple libraries.

Common uses of Libraries

  • To form a private work group area. For example, the Human Resources department may be set up with a library that only they can see and access.
  • To store sensitive documents or projects in a private area. For example, the Legal department may have contractual requirements to keep documentation separate from general-purpose documentation.
  • Allow customers, partners, and vendors access to specific isolated areas (via anonymous libraries) without having to give them access to everything else.

Why have Anonymous Libraries?

Anonymous libraries are libraries that all MAGIQ Documents users can access.

Once a library is created as an anonymous library, the documents in this library are available for "READ" to all users who navigate to this library. Users with permissions higher than "READ" will be able to update existing documents, create new documents and new folders just as they would in regular libraries.

Common uses for Anonymous Libraries

  • Public Announcements
  • Public Human Resources documents such as Vacation Request Forms
  • Public information such as corporate vision, locations, departments etc.