Documents / Tagging Documents

Tagging allows you to mark documents as they are in a particular point in time. When you choose to tag a document or multiple documents, the current version of the document at that time is marked with a special tag and a date time stamp.

This allows you to determine at a later point in time the state of the document at the time it was tagged.

To Tag documents perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the document panel (right panel)
  2. Select a document or multiple documents by clicking on the check boxes located to the left of the documents
  3. Click on the Edit menu.
  4. Click on the Set Tag menu.
  5. In the windows that appears' enter the tag text or simply select from a list of pre-defined tags.
  6. Hit Ok to set the selected tag.

This action will mark the current version of all the selected documents with the chosen tag.

Tagging documents

In the image above, a freeform tag was applied "Approved for release to public".

Pre-defined tags

The system administrator can pre-define tags by editing a special configuration file located in the config directory of the MAGIQ Documents application path. The file that must be edited is called tagdefs.xml