Security / Document Security

MAGIQ Documents allows the assignment of various levels of permissions to documents. The levels of document permissions available are as follows:

  • No Access
  • Read
  • Change
  • Full control

New documents automatically inherit the permissions defined at its folder. Authors (the owner of the document), may alter these default (inherited) permission settings. Permissions may be granted to "Users", "User Groups" and the "Everyone" group.

When authors change the permission settings for a document, they may only grant permissions to users who are members to the Library in which the document lives.

To assign permissions to a document, perform the following:

  1. Select the document you wish to assign permissions by clicking "Action" icon and choose security.
  2. A window showing the currently assigned security permissions will appear. Click on the "change permissions" button.
  3. In the "Document Security" window, select users from the list on the left.
  4. Make sure that you also select the appropriate access type from the drop down list box. The default is "Full Control".
  5. Click on "Add".
  6. The selected users will be added to the security list with the permission level selected.

The permissions matrix

Permissions Matrix
Permissions No Access Read Change Full Control
View Document   X X X
Change Document     X X
Change Properties     X X
Delete Document       X
Change Permissions       X
Take Ownership       X

Notice that the access rights are cumulative. Each access level contains the rights of the one before it, and provides additional rights.

The "No Access" right is the same as not including a user in the access list. It is used in instances where a permission is given to a user group or the "Everyone" group and you wish to exclude a member of the group from the assigned security. Learn more about this issue in User Groups.

Folder permissions take precedence over file permissions however, the precedence is not automatic.


User A has "Full Control" rights in a folder. User A has been given "No Access" permissions to a document in that folder.

When User A attempts to access the document, he/she will get the "Access Denied" message. However, because User A has "Full Control" rights at the folder level, he/she will be able to modify permissions on any document in that folder, even take ownership of any document in that folder.