HTML Form Templates

Consider a recruitment firm that collects resumes from candidates for multiple open positions in multiple customers.

Each customer has a preferred candidate resume format.

Typically, a candidate is presented to multiple customers.


Each candidate creates a resume in a format they believe that best reflects their expertise in their field.

They may use multiple document formats such as MS Word or PDF or another popular desktop tool to create their resume document.

The order in which candidates list their qualifications vary from one another.

The style used in the formatting of the document will most certainly vary from one candidate to the other.

The recruitment firm ends up having to convert candidate resumes into multiple formats for multiple customers.


The recruitment firm starts out by creating an MAGIQ Documents Template (in this case, a resume template) that captures the right information from each candidate.

This template is made available for candidates to fill out by simply navigating to an MAGIQ Documents portal.

Each candidate now fills out the same resume form.

The data is captured by the recruitment firm in a way that can be easily processed.

Using the Rendering Options feature, multiple resume formats can be produced from the same data within seconds.

Certain sections of the resume (address, telephone, salary requirements etc.) may be suppressed in the versions that go out to customers.

This completely eliminates the need for re-entering and manual styling.

Related Topics:

Forms Management

Content Management